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- PEX torud ja liitmikud
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- Roostevabad torud ja liitmikud
- Sisekanalisatsioon
- Tagasilöögiklapid ja mudakogujad
- Terastoru liitmikud
- Terastorud
- Trapid ja duširennid
- Tühjenduspumbad
- Vasktorud ja liitmikud
- Veefiltrid
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- Välisvõrgud
- Filtrid ja ventilatsiooniseadmed
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- Mõõteseadmed ja reguleerseadmed
- Õhkkütte seadmed ja kiiruselülitid
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- Siirdeõhurestid ja välisrestid
- Sissepuhke ja väljatõmbe ventiilid
- Tuletõkkeklapid ja reguleerklapid
- Ümartorustik
- Ventilaatorid
NB! Tootepildid on illustreeriva tähendusega
Tarbevee paisupaak Airfix A80 80L 4bar (8bar)
Tarbevee paisupaak Flamco Airfix A80 80L, eelseadistatud rõhk 4bar (max. 8bar)
Mõeldud kasutamiseks joogi- või mageveepaigaldistes.
For use in potable water or fresh water installations. The Airfix A expansion vessels operate in such a way that the water flows right through and they are continuously flushed with fresh water from the mains. This prevents tepid, stagnant water from collecting in the vessel in which bacterial growth could occur. Therefore, users can be assured of high quality potable water. Applying an Airfix A expansion vessel to a water heater prevents the opening of the safety group or safety valve each time the potable water is heated. As a result, not only the life of the safety group or safety valve is significantly prolonged (damage or calcification of seat is avoided) but also the risk of permanent leakage (with high water loss as a consequence). An Airfix vessel is also a perfect solution in basement applications where the drain is higher than the safety valve. Airfix A is a flow through vessel, that operates by diverting some of the connection fluid flow into the vessel to prevent stagnation. Partial diversion flow through.Üldinfo
Tootja tootekood | 24809 |
EAN kood | 08712874248090 |
Toote mõõdud
Ühik | tk |
Toote kõrgus | 54.0000 |
Toote laius | 52.0000 |
Toote sügavus | 52.0000 |
Netokaal (kg) | 15.0000 |
Brutokaal (kg) | 15.3500 |
Pakendi mõõdud
Pakendi kõrgus (cm) | 55.0000 |
Pakendi laius (cm) | 53.0000 |
Pakendi sügavus (cm) | 53.0000 |
Juhend | Ava juhend |
Vastavusdokument | Ava dokument |
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